Made It!

Hello there, dear readers! It looks like I've made it over to the new site. Welcome, and thank you for your patience with the blackout, especially as I know it was wreaking havoc on RSS feeds.
Overall the update to the new layout has gone better than expected. But there are still some glitches - the most prominent being the way images are displayed, in all but the most recent posts. You will also find that some links are not yet hooked up properly. It will take me some time to comb through everything and fix these remaining issues, so please bear with me. In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the new look of the site and (once the links work properly) the new organisational structure, which should make it easier to browse topics and find older content.
As always, thank you for reading Lovely Bicycle!
Yea! Congrats!
ReplyDeletecomment, not remark?
ReplyDeleteOkay, looks like the comments/remarks work : )
ReplyDeleteJust checking threaded comments work.
DeleteLooks like they do; thanks!
DeleteWell, it's nice to be here.
ReplyDeleteSeeing the 'remarks' section in this site always reminded me of the classic Weather Report song...
ReplyDeleteRegarding the new site banner, I like the way the letters 'vely' stand out, seemingly a play on 'velo'.
I will miss the old 'pink girl & bike' banner, though ;)
The update is looking very good from here, so far. Nice design and color work. I think the type design for the logo gets your love of vintage design across well.
ReplyDeleteReally glad you are back!
beautiful view! :-)
ReplyDeleteVery Nice!!!
ReplyDeleteLike the new look. Well done.
ReplyDeleteLooking good so far. As always, I look forward to reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteVery nice indeed ... looks great. Web site aside, I am looking forward to hearing about your adventures on the new bike you built - it looks ready and waiting to be ridden all over Ireland and beyond! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe look is much better. I am usually afraid of change but this looks really nice.
Congrats V, after ignoring what seemed like a blogspot glitch for a few days I efficiently transitioned into panic until it finally occurred to me to check Instagram and Twitter. Thanks for keeping this going.
ReplyDeleteI generally do not read blogs, there are several reasons. I read a post that interests me, maybe a few more, and then I run into the issues of either getting bored with the tone of the writing, the other topics are of no interest, or and this is perhaps the biggest problem, I find most blog navigation to be extremely repugnant.
ReplyDeleteMy searches to bicycling questions, kept bringing up your blog so after reading a smattering of posts, I decided to go back to the beginning, despite not being fond of the navigation. I found that I really liked your tone, I have learned a lot about bicycles, and your pictures are a delight; I love photography. Also your readers and you have a great rapport; the comments are educational and very forum like. They add a lot to your blog.
Your new site looks nice, and cleaner, I am still wading my way though your archives (I have more to go forward with than are behind me). While the year month way of navigation is not the most elegant way, it did work. I realize that is a work in progress, and I have found my way back to where I left off, I just hope that you will set up a better way of getting around. I do really like the addition of a search box, something that I had thought was missing before. I do not understand why blogs do not do something like web comics do with their archives, (I do not have a blog so my guess is that there is limited auto coding options for archives). The only blog that I have made it through is I like her navigation better than most, though I think it has some room for improvement too. In her last update she did away with her search box, she I think plans to put one back in but hasn't been pleased with her options.
Are there different ways to set up the search box? It seems to search for your text not the text of your commenters'. I think that being able to search comments might be of use as well since your readers have gifted you with a wealth of topic relevant advice.
Anyway thanks for the interesting, beautiful and informative bicycle related reading.
I know that content from the comments comes up on google searches, but now that you mention it not sure whether that's the case on blogger's own search. Will have to investigate.
DeleteFunny Kimbery, I came across this place through a Google search for something I can't quite recall. Lots of dimensions to the stuff here. I first shellaced my bar tape after reading about it here, reminded myself to spin at a higher cadence, and some other goodies. The progression of our hostess' riding strength makes for great reads. The regular folks here. And not to mention all the pictures!!
Delete... and drooling at the lovely bike at the head of this as well!!
I'll bring some wine next visit!
Best of Luck!
vsk / sunny Brooklyn, NY
Missed you, welcome back! Lovely new layout. Thanks for all you do!
ReplyDeleteI was rather apprehensive about the change as I was rather fond of the upturned bottom. However, photo presentation
ReplyDeletelooks much enhanced - good job!
I enjoy the blog's new, simple look. I can tell I missed Lovely Bicycle! because my productivity at work soared without this guilty pleasure.
ReplyDeleteIt really is 'lovely'. Very impressed that you seem to have managed to apply the new theme to the older posts as well. I clicked on a few links to older posts, to try and compare the old with the new, because I wanted to figure out why I found this new layout so much 'nicer'. But it's all 'new', and very pleasing on the eye indeed! Great stuff - well done and welcome back!
ReplyDeleteThe main problem is with older images being smaller, and therefore not looking as nicely integrated into the posts. I'm trying to figure out a way to make text automatically wrap around non-full width images throughout the blog (so that I don't have to manually edit 5.5 years worth of posts), without breaking anything in the process. Sill working on it!
DeleteAll good, but really hoping the archives listing returns. I want to start back where I finished before the change (somewhere around 2010). It's a bit difficult when currently the only option is to use the "older posts" button repeatedly. Keep up the great work ... truly inspirational.
ReplyDeleteThe archives will return; still working on making them visually in tune with the new look. Ideally I would like to incorporate the archive into the dropdown menu, but my CSS skillz are not good enough.
DeleteLooking nice. I like the larger photos and the clean look. Very "un-bloggered".
ReplyDeleteAlways great content, and I like the "new and improved" look right well.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Looks great!
ReplyDeleteWith the larger font, comments are easier to read. My eyes thank you! Also, I am happy to see a clear and consise comment moderation policy.
ReplyDeleteHey! So this is the new place, pretty cool(oops, didn't realize that paint was wet, sorry).
ReplyDeleteYou're right, there is a lot more space, heh heh... seems almost cavernous(!). How will you ever fill it up? Haha... Yeah, pretty swell, pretty swell... so, uh, you wouldn't mind if I left a bike or two here for like a week,(a month at the MAX!)? No, nothing big, maybe like my folding bike and a couple of frames, maybeee the tandem but NOTHING else! Promise! Really? Thanks so MUCH! No no, I don't have to come back, I just happen to have some with me right now! How cool is that? No, I didn't bring the Miata, No way to get a tandem in THAT! HAHA HA! I borrowed my brother in laws pickup... Thanks again, I really owe you.
When I get back from prison, uh, I mean GRAD SCHOOL, I'm totally taking you for coffee!
very nice, thanks
ReplyDeleteVery nice set up! Looks great, and looking forward to your insights and adventures along the way.
ReplyDeleteThe new look is bright and open and airy — like riding a bicycle!
ReplyDeleteThanks, and welcome back.
~ David
Very pretty, though your original wasn't bad. "Bright, open and airy" says it. The photos are more prominent and bigger and the photos are a good part, IMO, of what makes your blog stand out. I look forward to more exceptional bike photos.
ReplyDeleteWho did your re-design --you yourself?
I must get mine redone some day ...
The new logo was made by Kris Henry, who is a graphic designer as well as a custom bike builder out of New Hampshire.
DeleteAs far as the site itself, I tried a couple of templates but ultimately didn't use them. There are some nice blogspot templates available on Themeforest. But I've found that unless you want to change absolutely NOTHING about the template, you still need to know a decent amount of CSS to customise them (which was the part I was trying to avoid, as I hate coding). In the end I began from scratch and did it myself, with some help with the tricky bits from online tutorials and my ex-husband (oh hi).
Looks great and still well written as ever
ReplyDeleteglad you're back! new logo and everything!
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who got the pun of the title/photo? Good job V., on both counts.
ReplyDeleteGood job spotting that : )